“Delivering features doesn't mean you are delivering value. Just like telling a joke doesn't mean people will laugh."

- Maarten Dalmijn

Maarten helps teams to beat the feature factory all over the world.  Millions of practitioners have read his best-practice articles on Agile, Scrum and Product Management. He specializes in helping companies to build empowered teams that can discover better ways of delivering value.

Maarten is a frequent speaker at Fortune 500 companies, government organizations and international industry conferences. He has worked with many award-winning start-ups and scale-ups. Maarten is an ambassador and editor at Serious Scrum, the largest Scrum publication on Medium.

By blending the world of Product Management and Agile, Maarten helps teams to beat the Feature Factory and uncover better ways of delivering value together.

Maarten has been in the trenches for more than 10 years wearing many hats that are necessary to deliver value, such as:
• Marketing Manager
• Software Tester
• Business Analyst
• Scrum Master
• Product Owner
• Head of Product

Because of his broad expertise, Maarten can provide a holistic approach to delivering value. He can cover all the different facets that are necessary to build empowered teams that are capable of delivering value to the customers and the business.

Maarten believes in 'less, but better'. Product management is about getting the right things done. It is easy to come up with a list of things to add to make something better. It is much harder to decide which things to leave out to make something better.